Odours and Air Quality

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STRENGTHS is a pioneer in olfactometry in Spain. It started its activity in this field in 1998, as the result of a series of technological transfer agreements with the Canadian company Odotech Inc., who is the world leader in odour measurement and control systems.

STRENGTHS has a team of professional chemical engineers who are highly qualified in measuring and developing solutions to reduce the impact of odours.

The STRENGTHS laboratory is equipped with all the necessary technology for the complete treatment, from start to finish, of odour impact, in according with the provisions set out in the European reference standard UNE-EN 13725:2004 on the Determination of odour concentration by dynamic olfactometry.

We have the ideal equipment for taking all kinds of samples from issuing sources and identifying their characterisation by dynamic olfactometry. Our olfactometry is the largest dilution range in the world (1:2.000.000). We assess the impact of odour emissions with sophisticated dispersion modelling software (Tropos Impact, Aermod, Calpuff).

Thanks to our procedures, we are one of the first companies in Spain to be credited by ENAC in dynamic olfactometry assays.

Moreover, Strengths has been recognised by Generalitat Valenciana as official supplier, also known as “Empresa Colaboradora en Materia de Calidad Ambiental" (ECMCA), at section 1, atmospheric contamination.

The olfactometry area of STRENGTHS provides all olfactometry, and odour monitoring and consultancy services: