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Environmental Law

We provide an overall service to complement general environmental obligations. This ensures efficient operation and, at the same time, is appropriate for environment requirements.

- We prepare reports and legal opinions on any issue that may arise in the environment and energy sector.


- We draft specific plans and agreements.


- We analyse new legal issues, we draft projects on environment and energy-related standards, and we update the content of specific municipal by-laws: ionizing radiation and thermal, odorous and acoustic contamination, etc.


- We conduct legal audits in environment and energy-related issues.


- We perform environmental risk analyses.


- We draw up and co-ordinate impact studies and environmental evaluations, concessions, environmental authorisations and permits, and ensure that they are appropriate, within the framework of Prevention and Environmental Management of Activities Law.


- We conduct studies and evaluations, and issue environment permits.


- We intervene in processes for implementing new companies and activities, and also in processes to extend and modify them and to close them appropriately.


- We act in the environment vectors sector (water, atmosphere and waste) and with respect to the transverse environmental standard (site and allocation of land, environmental impact, etc.).


- We offer consultancy to private individuals and companies in all their environmental obligations and in processing transactions in public administrations.